“Rebuild the foundation,” with Shawn Peers

In this episode of The Future of Dentistry, Anne Duffy is joined by Shawn Peers. Shawn is the president and CEO of Dental Peers, and DeW-de Extraordinaire.

Shawn explains how his desire to partake in something more community-based than the legal industry led him to merge his legal background with the dental industry. Anne and Shawn discuss the pain points that practitioners face when trying to buy dental products, and how Dental Peers helps them.

They also discuss uplifting women in the dental industry, and how that can benefit everyone involved.

The Future of Dentistry Podcast is the official podcast of Dental Entrepreneur (De), founded by Anne Duffy, RDH. Dental Entrepreneur is the informational hub that provides the insight, knowledge, and data to empower you to make informed decisions about your professional future. To join the movement or to learn more, please visit dentalentrepreneur.com.


Dental Peers

Golden Girls of Dentistry


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(613) 867-8502